Tower Defence Day 6

Published May 11, 2018

Just a quick one, and not a real day, as I only got to spend an hour or two in the morning yesterday before another day trip. In fact none of these 'days' are really days of work, just on and off playing with the game in between other tasks.


  1. I changed from the overcomplicated paths to just generating some random waypoints, and having manhattan walks in between them. In order to prevent crossing of paths I simply make sure each random waypoint is further on the y coord towards the destination. This seems to work fine for now, I will refine it more at a later stage.
  2. I tried out the unity terrain system in order to make the environment around the play area a bit more interesting.
  3. I figured out how the asset store worked, and have decided to replace my old native model with some free character assets. Using free stuff should be fine as this is just a test game anyway. And I'm kind of hoping that if these models are rigged right then I might have more luck getting ragdoll working.

The terrain thing I'm not sure about. It was kind of quick but I've somehow broken the shadows (will have to investigate). And I did a first 'build' of the game and it came out something ridiculous like 82 megs, which may have been due to the terrain. This is one of the issues I have with things like unity, it's very easy with a few mouse clicks to end up with something completely unoptimal for rendering, and hugely overbloated. Couple this with the fact that many people have powerful development PCs, it gives them a false sense of what is possible.


Of course this was just a first play with the terrain to evaluate it, not sure I will use it. Would be nice with some gaps for lakes. One thing is to make the levels different I'd probably have to figure out how to alter the terrain procedurally, so suddenly something that was an added 'extra' can potentially a time sink... anyway it is not a necessary element so I won't spend too long on it.


Edit : Got the shadows working again, it was just some shadow distance setting in the quality section. :)

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Awesome progress bro ^_^y  while e'm still struggling with my triangle picking routine, hope I can find a solution  today : - D

May 11, 2018 10:59 AM
22 minutes ago, DexterZ101 said:

Awesome progress bro ^_^y  while e'm still struggling with my triangle picking routine, hope I can find a solution  today : - Döller–Trumbore_intersection_algorithm

However if you are talking about where in the grid the user is clicking, you can probably do something far easier, intersect a ray from the camera with the ground plane, find the coords, and just use simple division by the grid size to find the grid square.

For picking other objects I'm not sure it needs to go down to triangles, just a sphere or something.

May 11, 2018 11:26 AM

Hey bro! thanks for the link, an additional routine on my engine ?

I'm using MonoGame framework it already has a Bounding box intersection to Ray, Only find out now that my problem is getting my Screen-point to 3D-Space but it's working now ?

With your additional link I can now even check the ray with triangle ^_^y ( But I need to convert it to C# first and try )

Kudos to you Bro ^ _^ Y


May 11, 2018 12:18 PM

At this pace you should be making full featured games within a few weeks! Awesome progress! :) 

May 11, 2018 12:49 PM

I've got the base health, UI for cash and enemies remaining working. Just putting in the main menu and level completed or base destroyed screens. I think it will be good to get the whole thing working to a very basic level as soon as possible, then I can flesh it out depending on how much time is available.

Also wondering how to do some funky cameras, I'll probably put in some stuff like having a camera follow from an enemy viewpoint, and maybe from a projectile viewpoint, and smooth between them. Having top down view is good for placing units but a bit boring.

May 11, 2018 01:23 PM
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