Frogger - programming day 2

Published October 11, 2018

Just a quick update to show how my frogger challenge entry is coming along. I had a day off yesterday and have today put in collision detection and a few other things. You don't die yet if you drown and the crocs and turtles are going the wrong way, the collision detection has lots of bugs, but it is getting there.

My plan is to first get a working version, then flesh it out as time allows. I will put in UI soon and work out how to do menus etc.

Once it is playable and meets the challenge I will put in animation, improve backgrounds, cameras etc.


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Nice job! :) Man... you're well ahead of me... I haven't even touched code yet. :D 

Are you working on animations for the frog hop soon? :) 

October 11, 2018 09:50 PM

LOL..dang. I was thinking a perspective camera was going to be weird for this but that looks really good.

October 11, 2018 11:57 PM
8 hours ago, Rutin said:

Are you working on animations for the frog hop soon?

I'll probably do the animations after everything is feature complete, as like you said in another post, it makes it harder if you are chopping and changing between programming and art continuously. Insta-turning to face the direction of travel I'm not sure how to deal with yet. I may well animate the frog hopping up and down 'on the spot', then deal with the movement / rotation in code.

6 hours ago, GoliathForge said:

LOL..dang. I was thinking a perspective camera was going to be weird for this but that looks really good.

This is actually ortho, at 45 degrees, just to get things working, although I'm planning to use some more funky cameras later on. The main issue is how to deal with traffic that goes off and enters the map either side, in order to limit draw distance / processing. Top down view takes care of it for you, but isn't very cinematic.

The other issue is dealing with a map size bigger than the height of screen, and the camera scrolling seems to work just about ok. My first version had the effect of making you feel seasick, it can be a bit disorientating some follow cams lol. :)

You could have all the models smaller to fit on screen at once as in the original game, but I usually find it can be a good idea to have some views with characters a decent percentage of the screen size so that they 'pop' and makes the action closer to the viewer.

October 12, 2018 06:46 AM
10 minutes ago, lawnjelly said:

I'll probably do the animations after everything is feature complete, as like you said in another post, it makes it harder if you are chopping and changing between programming and art continuously. Insta-turning to face the direction of travel I'm not sure how to deal with yet. I may well animate the frog hopping up and down 'on the spot', then deal with the movement / rotation in code.

Looking forward to seeing your future posts. :)  Hopefully I can start again soon as I'm stuck working on a commercial project which is taking up all my time. :| 

October 12, 2018 06:57 AM

I'm sure you will get some time. I'm in the opposite boat, I have to finish early as I know I will be busy moving house towards the end of the month till the end of the challenge. :)

October 12, 2018 07:03 AM

@lawnjelly you're the man! 

October 12, 2018 09:39 PM
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