Story Writing Help

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14 comments, last by CanvasBushi 4 years, 2 months ago

If they intend on making a videogame, and inserting characters into a game, that might be easier for them. Unless they plan on making all aspects of a game. Which becomes a larger and larger project.

I've noticed many head developers that are pretty new, have issues with writers, they want to make a game, than insert story. Which can be done, but are trying to force fit ideas into a game, which result in some… plot holes? Possibly find a group?

If you have a fun project in mind, with nontraditional and obscene characters, probably save time and message me.


Launcher111 said:

If they intend on making a videogame, and inserting characters into a game, that might be easier for them. Unless they plan on making all aspects of a game. Which becomes a larger and larger project.

I've noticed many head developers that are pretty new, have issues with writers, they want to make a game, than insert story. Which can be done, but are trying to force fit ideas into a game, which result in some… plot holes? Possibly find a group?

game story doesnt have anything to do with game design, a writer is not a game designer.

That's corporate classifications, putting a name tag on everyone and a department to report to. How many billions of times have you heard "The book is better than the movie or game, and they didn't follow the authors true intent" I will ask you this question… star wars, star trek, star gate, and countless franchise's. They use this approach… guess what their story is falling apart… there fans are turning on them. In part the story sucks, and takes back seat to cgi effects. Another part is an unresponsive structure that has no interest in their fans beyond their money.

Writers should play an important part in games… skyrim is a great example… trying to emulate many established franchises are a mistake, because they are failing… being around for a reference, and to help with content questions.

If you have a fun project in mind, with nontraditional and obscene characters, probably save time and message me.

Launcher and Canvas, please take your conversation to the Lounge. You are not helping Albedo with his question.

-- Tom Sloper --

Tom Sloper said:

Launcher and Canvas, please take your conversation to the Lounge. You are not helping Albedo with his question.

Tom Sloper isnt helping either… just saying.

I'd say that:

  1. What does the story writing process look like (in steps)?

It starts with the first good idea you have. An event, an universe, a character, a place. Anything. Then you fill in logically: a character will need to have an occupation, a personnality, to live somewhere, and then you can direct him towards this or that adventure based on this data. An awesome event needs reasons to happen, stakes, and people to take part in.

  1. What would help me be able to see the details for my story? Or is their a way to effectively “brute force" it? Or perhaps questions to decide on to coerce the details out of me?

Nah, details are important, I'm afraid. The only thing that could help you see them would be to write the story, the details will come naturally as without them, this story will sound/look bad for you.

  1. How important is naming characters or regions/areas? What is the best way to go about this? Currently I either jam it into a random name generator or choose a name I like.

It's better to do efforts and to create the name yourself. Bonus points if you're not going for overused tropes like the Norse mythology.

  1. What does the inclusion of minor hidden plot elements look like in practicality? In other words, how do you plan your plot around something that seems insignificant but is important without it feeling forced?

It looks like side quests, the kind of things that turns a good game universe into a deep, fascinating one. And these side quests will then later on start looking like a big important quest, to the author or to the player!

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