City Builder Mobile

City Builder/Monster Breeding

by Kossori_aka_Jordan

Hello, my name is Jordan and I am looking to assemble a small team to create a mobile game that is similar to Dragon City, Dragonvale, Tiny Monsters, etc.
Basically a city builder, Monster breeding/collecting game where you can create a beautiful village of many uniquely designed creatures and feed them to make them evolve from a baby to an adult.
I am in need of: Script writing/coders, visual Artists/animators & Concept creators.
If you fall into one of the above mentioned criteria and are interested in joining my team, please message me at (512)-733-4798
PS: This is not a paid job, this is meant to be a volunteered team effort and a way for us all to make good friends with similar interests all while making a fantastic video game!
Last updated May 24, 2019