The P5 Basics, and the New Profiling Registers

Published July 16, 1999 by TalkieToaster, posted by Myopic Rhino
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Release 2 (01/01/96)

DISCLAIMER: I will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage that may occur directly or indirectly by the use or misuse of this information.


If any technical information is incorrect, PLEASE let me know.

  1. Introduction
  2. The P5 Pipelines
  3. The New Profiling Registers
  4. Some MSR and TSC Macros

This time round I've gone into more detail. There's still no ground breaking information in here, but all the same it's still useful if you want the basics.

New :
- More about the P5 pipelines
- Some TSC and MSR macros for profiling and timing assembly code

[size="5"]The P5 Pipelines

First of all... writing about the pipeline is REAL boring.. I hate it. If you want detailed information about the dual pipelines I suggest you either find another good p5 doc, or muck about with it.

Right, the P5 has two instruction pipelines - U and V. The V pipe can only execute selected RISC instructions which are generally ones that take 1 cycle.

If it is possible, the V-pipe will execute the next available instruction at the same time as the U-pipe. To visualise this:

instructions cycles no. pipe

mov eax,1 ; 1 executed in U-pipe
mov edx,2 ; 1 executed in V-pipe
mov ecx,3 ; 2 executed in U-pipe
mov ebx,4 ; 2 executed in V-pipe

Total 2 cycles.

The V-pipe isn't a full pipeline and can only execute these instructions:


For the above instruction - if using an address (memory) as the destination, it can only be execute if there is NO displacement. eg: mov [mydata + 4],22 will NOT execute in the V-pipe.


FXCH - This is the only fpu instruction that will execute in the V-pipe.

The P5 can only execute these in the V-pipe is one of these instructions are in the U-pipe. These are called "pairable" instructions.


FXCH - i think

The same applies to the MOV,AND,OR etc.. instructions with displacements. If they contain a displacement the V-pipe stalls. You can check all the stalls using the profiling registers, or the TSC (see the later section on these).

In general, pairable instructions are those RISC-type ones.

If the V-pipe can't execute an instruction, it "stalls" and passes it to the U-pipe on the next cycle. So the V-pipe skips an instruction. If the instruction in V pipe depends on the instruction in the U pipe then the V pipe stalls and misses a cycle.. eg:

add eax,ecx ; U-pipe.. 1 cycle
add eax,ecx ; can't execute in V because eax isn't know until
; above instruction is complete.. so execute in
; U-pipe.. 1 cycle
Total 2 cycles

On the other hand

add eax,ecx ; U-pipe.. 1 cycle
add ebx,ecx ; V-pipe.. same cycle

Total 1 cycle , because they both execute at once.

Now, onto AGI's. Address Generation Interlocks, are evil. On the 486 AGI's occurred if you used a register 1 cycle before using it in an EA (Effective Address). This stalled the addressing pipeline and gave you a 1 cycle penalty while it recalculated the EA.

All you need do on the pentium is make sure there is 1 cycle between the register load and using it in an EA. This includes both pipes.. if the instructions pair, then you may not be leaving 1 cycle between the two.

If the instruction going through a pipe require memory read/writes and is NOT mov,push or pop, then it cause a lockstep. This means the other pipe is locked for all until the last last cycle:

instructions cycles no. pipe

add [edx],eax ; 1 U-pipe, causes lockstep..
; 2
dec ecx ; 3 V-pipe, can't execute until
; last cycle of the add.

Another thing... uncached code causes a pipeline stall. The code needs to be executed at least twice before it is DEFINITELY in the cache. On the 2nd loop some code may still not be cached. I did some tests and usually it cached after the first loop, but other times it wasn't. I suppose it depends on the state of the code cache at that point. Perhaps it was a freak of the code I was using.. do some tests and see what you come up with.

[size="5"]The New Profiling Registers

The P5 also has some internal profiling and timing registers that can be accessed through RDTSC, RDMSR and WRMSR. These allow you to count cycles and events like cache misses etc..

RDTSC - Read Time Stamp Count. The TSC is incremented every cpu cycle. We can use it to get a cycle count.
RDMSR - Read an MSR register. MSR index in ECX, value put in EDX:EAX.
WRMSR - Write an MSR register. MSR index in ECX, value to store in EDX:EAX.

If you don't have a p5 compiler these are the opcodes:

RDTSC - db 0fh, 031h
RDMSR - db 0fh, 032h
WRMSR - db 0fh, 030h

The values are all 64 bit (EDX:EAX). All the counters are reset on power-on. So the TSC variable can last about 5800 years on a P100 if you left it on all the time.

Your code need to be running at CPL0 to execute RDMSR or WRMSR. So if you are running Window, or in a Win95 DOS BOX, then it will crash.

Also the TSC counts ALL cycles. So the cycle count includes those of any multitasking environment you're in (like Win95).

The MSR registers are pretty cool. Or more to the point, registers 11h,12h and 13h are cool.

You see, register 11h can be used to tell two timers what to count. These timers can be read from 12h and 13h. Using these timers you can count lots of profiling information like data reads, data read misses, pipe stalls and misaligned data references etc. etc.

Armed with these timers and the TSC, you can tell exactly what you're code is doing and where cycles are lost.

To tell the timers what to count you set the bits in 11h like so:

EDX:EAX - 64 bit value

bit 0 - 15 = Timer #0
bit 16 - 31 = Timer #1
bit 32 - 63 = Reserved

The bits for each timer are set like so:

bit 0 - 5 = Event to count (list of events follows)
bit 6 = Enable count in CPL 0,1 and 2 (system code)
bit 7 = Enable count in CPL 3 (user code)
bit 8 = 1 = Count cycles, 0 = Count events
bit 9 = PM0 selection. 1=pin shows overflows, 0=pin shows increments.
bit 10 - 15 = Reserved

Generally you can leave most of the bits alone. Set bits 0-5 to the event type, and set either bit 6 or 7. Under most dos-extenders your code runs at CPL0 (bit 6), but it the counting doesn't seem to work, try bit 7 instead.

So, to count an event you'd do something like this:

; Set timers...

mov ecx,011h
mov eax,TIMER#1 bits...
shl eax,16
mov eax,TIMER#0 bits...

; Read start count

mov ecx,012h
mov _timer0,eax ; just save bottom 32 bits.
mov ecx,013h
mov _timer1,eax

;Do your code here

; Read end count

mov ecx,012h
mov sub eax,_timer0 ; subtract start count
mov _timer0,eax ; save value
mov ecx,013h
sub eax,_timer1
mov _timer1,eax

And that's it. Of course you have to take into account the overhead code for timing whatever event you want.

Event types:

00h - Data reads
01h - Data writes
02h - Data TLB misses
03h - Data read misses
04h - Data write misses
05h - Writes (hits) to M or E state lines
06h - Data cache lines written back
07h - External snoops
08h - Data cache snoop hits
09h - Memory accesses in both pipes
0Ah - Bank conflicts
0Bh - Misaligned data memory references
0Ch - Code reads
0Dh - Code TLB misses
0Eh - Code cache misses
0Fh - Any segment register loaded
10h - Segment descriptor cache accesses
11h - Segment descriptor cache hits
12h - Branches
13h - Branch Target Buffer hits
14h - Taken branches or BTB hits
15h - Pipeline flushes
16h - Instructions executed in both pipes (incl. fpu instructions I think)
17h - Instructions executed in the v-pipe
18h - Clocks while bus cycle in progress (bus utilization)
19h - Pipe stalled by full write buffers (writes backup) - cycles lost
1Ah - Pipe stalled by waiting for data memory reads - cycles lost
1Bh - Pipe stalled by writes to M or E lines - cycles lost
1Ch - Locked bus cycles
1Dh - I/O read or write cycles
1Eh - Non-cacheable memory references
1Fh - Pipeline stalled by address generation interlock (AGI) - cycles lost
20h - unknown, but counts
21h - unknown, but counts
22h - Floating-point operations
23h - Breakpoint matches on DR0 register
24h - Breakpoint matches on DR1 register
25h - Breakpoint matches on DR2 register
26h - Breakpoint matches on DR3 register
27h - Hardware interrupts
28h - Data reads or data writes
29h - Data read misses or data write misses

[size="5"]Some MSR and TSC Macros

These are basically self explanatory I think, mail me if any problems. Oh, they we're tested in 32bit protected mode.

[size="3"]Section 1 - TSC Cycle Counter

These Macros require a memory variable, _TSC , a dword. This varaible is used to store the count takes. In StartTSC, it is cached before the start value is stored, so we won't get an unpredictable cache miss.

  • cache the stack memory
  • cache _TSC count variable
  • save registers
  • stall the pipeline with an idiv.
  • get TSC register (this is definitely executed in the U-pipe)
  • save the TSC count in the cached _TSC memory variable.
  • pop registers EndTSC:
    • push registers
    • stall pipeline with idiv (maybe not needed, but just to be sure)
    • get the TSC register
    • subtract overhead cycles
    • subtract start value
    • save count in _TSC memory variable. It may look strange the way I've stalled the pipeline with an idiv. But the RDTSC instruction seems to pair with almost any other instruction. Note. two non-pairable instructions in a row would have worked as well (like cdq cdq).

      The only problem I can see is with the push at the start of EndTSC. The overhead cycles I calculated assume a cache hit on the push. If you get a cache miss then the TSC count will be too high. This should only occur when you time LOTS of code that completely pushes the cached stack out of the cache. I hope this will be a very rare occasion. If anyone can suggest a fix for this I'd be happy to put it in.

      ; Macros for the TSC cycle counter
      ; To get 'proper' cycle counts from the TSC.. The other timing macros
      ; are event based, these TSC macros hopefully get true cycle counts from
      ; code.
      ; There may be a better way to do this, but this works..
      ; The imul completely stalls the pipeline :) and makes sure the instruction
      ; pairing is predictable...
      ; Try using these macros after a CALL and after some code and see how
      ; changing/removing the imul affects things.
      ; Start TSC cycle counter..
      StartTSC MACRO

      ; Try removing the following pushad/popad, then using
      ; StartTSC/EndTSC just after a CALL.. Any you'll see the
      ; stack cache-miss penalty..

      pushad ; cache stack stuff (for popd after RDTSC)


      mov eax,_TSC ; cache _TSC

      imul _TSC ; stall pipeline. RDTSC executes in U-pipe...
      ;cdq ; these also work.

      db 0fh,031h ; RDTSC - get start count
      mov _TSC,eax ; save start count



      ; End TSC cycle counter..
      EndTSC MACRO

      ; Note.. the pushad is affected by the cache.
      ; no way to get around this one :(
      ; Just remember this, if you're code pushes cached stack values out of
      ; the cache then you'll have an inaccuracy.

      pushad ; does not pair.. so stalls pipeline..

      imul edx ; this may not be needed, but it's just in case
      ; the pushad decides to pair with RDTSC..
      ; It's late and I want to write something else :)

      db 0fh,031h ; RDTSC - get end count
      sub eax,27 ; overhead cycles..
      sub eax,_TSC ; get range of count
      mov _TSC,eax ; save range

      ; Just for quick referencing.
      s equ StartTSC ; Start time
      e equ EndTSC ; End time

      [size="3"]Section 2 - MSR Timing Macros

      These macros will program and read the MSR timers. StartProfile will time the overhead for the particular event, and subtract this at the end. For getting cycle counts this is completely useless, use StartTSC and EndTSC for that.

      If the timing seems wrong, change the CPL at which these work. Under a normal system CPL0..2 is where you're code runs. But under other systems or windows, there's a good change it will run at CPL3.

      To fix this, in the SetMSRTimers macro, make it AND the event with USER_CODE (CPL3 code) instead of SYS_CODE (CPL0..2 code).

      The way it times the overhead isn't perfect, I know. I tested this with some of the events, and it hasn't failed yet. Subtracting the overhead gets better counts and allows both timers to get the same count on a particular event.

      If anyone finds any particular event where these macros go completely wrong then let me know.

      alterations I should make in the near future:
      • stall the pipeline as in StartTSC/EndTSC
      • cache the memory values at the start Other than that these macros are pretty good.

        They need several dword variables, these are:

        _prof0 dd 0 ; Timer0 profile count
        _prof1 dd 0 ; Timer1 profile count

        _profsub0 dd 0 ; Overhead count for timer0
        _profsub1 dd 0 ; Overhead count for timer1

        _profdsub0 dd 0 ; dummy sub value for timing
        _profdsub1 dd 0 ; the overhead.. must stay 0

        Since we sub the overhead at the end, when timing the overhead code we need to do a dummy sub.

        Mail me with any problems.

        ; General MSR timing macros
        ; Timer bits:
        ; 0-5 - Event
        ; 6 - Count system overhead (CPL 0-2)
        ; 7 - Count user code (CPL 3)
        ; 8 - 0 = Count events, 1 = count cycles
        ; 9 - 0 = PM0 selection, show incs, 1 = show overflows

        USER_CODE = 0010000000b
        SYS_CODE = 0001000000b
        COUNT_EVENTS = 0000000000b
        COUNT_CYCLES = 0100000000b
        PM0_INCS = 0000000000b
        PM0_OVERFLOWS= 1000000000b

        ; Setup the MSR timers to count something.
        ; Trashes eax ecx edx
        SetMSRTimers MACRO TIMER0,TIMER1
        mov ecx,011h ; MSR 11h
        xor edx,edx ; top 32bits empty
        mov ax,TIMER1 ; timer#0
        or ax,SYS_CODE ; time system code (CPL 0)
        shl eax,16
        mov ax,TIMER0 ; timer#1
        or ax,SYS_CODE ; time system code (CPL 0)
        db 0fh,030h ; WRMSR

        ; These just trash ecx...
        ReadMSRTimer0 MACRO
        mov ecx,012h ; Timer #0
        db 0fh,032h ; RDMSR

        ReadMSRTimer1 MACRO
        mov ecx,013h ; Timer #1
        db 0fh,032h ; RSMSR

        ; Macros to profile some code..
        StartProfile MACRO TIMER0 , TIMER1

        ; first get overhead for each timer..
        ; this is by no means perfect, but does allow both timers
        ; to produce the same results. Without this the timers
        ; would produce different results when timing the same
        ; thing (because timer1 also times the read of timer0)

        SetMSRTimers TIMER0 , TIMER1 ; setup timers
        mov _profsub0,eax ; save start of timer0
        mov _profsub1,eax ; save start of timer1
        popad ; get back original regs

        ; timed code here.. none just timing overhead


        sub eax,_profdsub0 ; dummy sub
        sub eax,_profsub0 ; sub start value
        mov _profsub0,eax ; save overhead of timer0
        sub eax,_profdsub1 ; dummy sub
        sub eax,_profsub1 ; sub start value
        mov _profsub1,eax ; save overhead of timer1

        popad ; get back original regs

        ; now actually start the timings for real..

        SetMSRTimers TIMER0 , TIMER1
        mov _prof0,eax
        mov _prof1,eax
        popad ; get back original regs

        EndProfile MACRO

        sub eax,_profsub0 ; sub overhead time
        sub eax,_prof0 ; sub start time
        mov _prof0,eax ; save timer0
        sub eax,_profsub1 ; sub overhead time
        sub eax,_prof1 ; sub start time
        mov _prof1,eax ; save timer1

        popad ; finally restore the original regs

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